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Back 19/04/2018 News

The EIB approves a loan up to €60M for the construction of a 50MW biomass plant in Spain

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has positively sanctioned the approval of a senior loan for an amount up to 60 million euros for the 50MW Biomass Power Plant that Greenalia S.A. will run in Curtis-Teixeiro through its subsidiary Greenalia Biomass Power Curtis-Teixeiro S.L.

This decision has been confirmed by the Board of Directors of the EIB on April 12th (after havingbeen approved the Board of Directors on March 20th).

Likewise, the approved project has been identified by the EIB as an iconic project in accordance with the priorities and objectives that the European bank has in its dictate within the eligibility criteria of the Juncker Plan. This milestone means an important step in the financial closing process in which Greenalia is currently negotiating.

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