Back 23/11/2022 Wind

Greenalia submits a new wind power project in Spain to public exhibition, Lamas II, 15 MW

  • The wind farm, with an investment over than 11.5 million euros, will have three wind turbines in the municipality of Calvos de Randín
  • With an estimated annual production of 47,334 MWH – the equivalent of the consumption of 11,000 families – it will avoid the emission of more than 15,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere

Greenalia advances in the development of its pipeline in Spain with the processing of a new wind farm, Lamas II, consisting of three wind turbines, totaling 15 MW and an 11.5 million euros of investment.

This facility includes areas of the municipality of Calvos de Randín (Ourense) – where the machines will be installed – and several areas of Os Blancos and Baltar (Ourense). With a production of 47,334 MWH/year, it will avoid 15,513 tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and supply green energy equivalent to the consumption of 11,000 families.

The project, which is being submitted today for public information, will have three 5 MW wind turbines, with a hub height of 127.5 meters and a rotor diameter of 145 meters. The documentation is accompanied by the corresponding Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which concludes that the wind farm is compatible with the environment. As can be seen from the reports, it will not affect areas protected by the Galician Network of Protected Spaces and the Natura 2000 Network, nor the Expansion Proposal, and it is located outside the IBAs.

In terms of birdlife, an annual pre-operational study has been carried out, which concludes that the study area is of no special ornithological interest, while at the same time ruling out the existence of a specific migratory corridor, so that no effects on birds are foreseen.

Regarding the habitat, all the areas affected during the construction process will be revegetated, so that they will be recovered, and species will be planted as the works are completed.

Finally, as reflected in the archaeological report, monitoring measures and a precautionary area have been established for the only element inventoried in the area, Fonte da Cunca, whose potential impact is minimal, considering the protection instruments established in the works plan.

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