Back 20/04/2020 Photovoltaic
All of it situated in maximum production areas (Zona V) of the key solar resource areas of the Iberian Peninsula (Andalucia and Comunidad Valenciana).
Greenalia consolidates its pipeline with 600MW solar energy projects with grid access. This portfolio is structured as follows: a 350MW-project, another 100MW one and three additional 50MW projects; located in the key solar resource areas of the Iberian Peninsula (Andalucía & Comunidad Valenciana).
The aforementioned projects are located in areas with maximum solar resource, classified as Zona V, with an annual capacity factor of 22-25% (over 2.000 hours of production), way over the yearly average of 18,8% (1.645 equivalent hours, according to the Informe Operación Sistema Eléctrico 2018, published by REE).
Once the grid access was consolidated, the company continues with the remaining administrative requirements for the mentioned projects.
#1-5-100 Plan
This achievement is another milestone in the path towards the Strategic Plan 2019-2023 in which the company contemplates the completion and kick-off of 430MW of solar projects.