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Back 30/05/2022 ESG

Greenalia publishes its sustainability report, which includes the annual financial and non-financial report

  • With the integration of both reports and following the parameters of the EINF (Statement of Non-Financial Information), the company advances in its social commitment and greater transparency to all its stakeholders

Greenalia publishes its annual sustainability report, a new edition that includes two new features. On the one hand, it includes for the first time the financial and non-financial report, a further step in the company’s commitment to greater transparency and clarity from a cross-cutting perspective and, secondly, it adds the interactive mode for a more agile reading.

This is a document that includes the company’s main milestones in financial matters and from a sustainable perspective. In this regard, it highlights the reorganization of the Board of Directors, with the appointment of new directors and the entry of the sustainability department into this governing body.

During the year, important steps have been taken in the Compliance program, thanks to the approval of the Green Book -a book of corporate policies-; the ratification of the Code of Conduct and Good Corporate Practices and the implementation of the Responsible Channel. These tools allow progress to be made in the consolidation of the regulatory compliance program, which means a further step in the implementation of the code of ethics that governs Greenalia’s business project.

In ESG matters, the company has continued to promote the Sustainability Plan (ESG) 2019-2023, in line with the company’s growth strategy based exclusively on renewable energy projects that contribute directly to the fight against climate change. In this line, Greenalia has continued to move towards a progressive reduction of its carbon footprint and to achieve climate neutrality. Actions in favor of biodiversity, zero consumption of single-use plastics and the progressive reduction of waste in offices are progressing in their implementation.

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