Back 09/03/2021 Wind

Greenalia will develop 45 MW Pena Ombra wind farm in Spain

  • The project involves the towns of Curtis, Guitiriz and Sobrados dos Monxes and plans to install 10 wind turbines, which will produce more than 146,000 MWh/year.
  • With a 34 million euros investment the project will generate 450 new jobs in construction and maintenance stages.
  • This infrastructure is part of the 135 MW won by Greenalia in the renewables auction last January.

Greenalia will develop 45 MW Pena Ombra wind farm, a project that plans to install 10 wind turbines in the towns of Curtis, Guitiriz and Sobrado dos Monxes, as reflected in the project in its public exhibition phase, after being published today in Galicia’s Official Gazette. The wind farm will produce 146,178 MWh/year, which will prevent the emission of 12,571 petrol tons per year.

In terms of the technical characteristics, the machines will have a hub height of 111 m and a rotor diameter of 136 m. The development of this wind farm is part of the 135 MW awarded to Greenalia in the renewable energy auction held by the Ministry of Ecological Transition in January this year.

The presented project includes a environmental, bird life and local heritage studies. It has been concluded that it is compatible with the local environment. In terms of the bird life study, there was no evidence found that the area presents any special interest from an ornithological perspective, and there is no specific migration corridor or any other situation that could lead to groups of birds being harmed by the installation of wind turbines. The archaeological study shows that the park will not have any detrimental effect on any catalogued archaeological or ethnographic sites of interest.

The construction and launch of this park will create 450 jobs and involves an investment of 34 million euros, an economic impact that is augmented even further by the boost to the three town councils’ coffers through various taxes, including ICIO construction taxes, which will amount to over 850,000 euros in total.

Implementation of 270 MW in the coming years

With the processing of this wind farm, Greenalia will continue to advance in the development of wind power in our community, with 46.5 MW of wind turbines currently in operation — in addition to 50 MW from the biomass plant in Curtis — and a further 27.7 MW in construction, providing a total of 74 MW, to which another 270 MW will be added over the coming years. Over the course of 2021, the company will begin the construction of the wind farms pending development included in its Eolo I plan, which will amount to a total of 135 MW and for which funding has already been agreed. To this we add a further 135 MW awarded in January in the Ministry of Ecological Transition’s renewables auction. In total, 270 MW will be progressively implemented from 2022 onwards.

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