Back 02/01/2020 News

Young people mentored by Igaxes visit our forestry operations and biomass plant

Through their Mentor programme, a local social organization, Igaxes, supports more than 5.500 young people since 2005 by means of providing supervised independent living arrangements, food, training and access to employment.  This programme has become a reference in youth support at a national and European level.

There are 3.000 boys, girls and teenagers in Galicia under protection and each year, hundreds of them are to start a life on their own, once they turn 18. They were protected when they were underaged, but they now have to face adulthood alone, as they do not have a family to go back to.

“These kids are greatly exposed to unemployment and precarious jobs” – Igaxes states. “The sense of loneliness and depression risk are more likely than among the rest of the youth”.

One out of four children and youngsters are in risk of poverty in Galicia and the work that Igaxes develops is key to change this situation.

With the organization of this visit, Greenalia wants to show support to the work of Igaxes in Galicia and to open its doors to these young people so that they can learn about potential professions in the forestry and renewable energy sector as well as connect with Greenalia’s training programmes.

With collaboration of the Galician local government and Forma-T, Greenalia is training more than 60 unemployed people as forestry machinery operators in 2019 and plans to train another 60 people in the first quarter of 2020.

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