Back 27/01/2021 Wind

Greenalia obtains 135 onshore-wind-mw award in today’s spanish renewable energy capacity auction

The company headquartered in A Coruña obtained today 13,5% of the total capacity destined for wind technology in the auction held today by MITECO (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge)

  • The company headquartered in A Coruña obtained today 13,5% of the total capacity destined for wind technology in the auction held today by MITECO (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge)
  • In 2021 the Company will have 9 wind farms under construction in Galicia

Greenalia has obtained 135 MW in the auction held today by MITECO, this amounts to a 13,5% of the total capacity for wind technology being auctioned off by the public administration.
With this award the Company consolidates its development portfolio of projects and its drive of wind technology development in Spain. Greenalia will destine these 135 MW from today’s auction to develop its Eolo II Plan Projects: specifically, for Felga (21 MW), Gato (25,2 MW), Penas Boas (16,8 MW), Pena Ombra (45 MW) y O Cerqueiral (27 MW) wind farms. All these projects are in a very advance permitting stage, already started public display, and located in A Coruña Province.
Another 135 MW (Eolo I) have to be added to these ongoing developments. In detail we are talking about: Campelo (40 MW), Bustelo (50 MW), Monte Toural (20 MW) and Touriñan (25 MW) wind farms, all of which are in advanced financial pool stages (market) with the same strategic approach of the other two operating wind farms in this plan: Miñón (24 MW) and Ourol (22,5 MW), and the following under construction projects: Croa, Croa II and Monte Tourado adding up to 27,7 MW.
The technical details of these projects, that share electrical evacuation infrastructure, with its corresponding investment reduction and high wind resource, in average above 3.800 hours, has allowed for a very competitive bid price of 29€/MW, the highest price obtained in the auction. This comes to show the importance of a pipeline located in areas of maximum wind resource.
With these projects Greenalia will total 270 MW to be entirely developed in Galicia, 9 facilities that will start construction in 2021 so that their operational kick-off could start progressively in 2022.
These wind farms in addition to another set of 74 MW currently in operation and construction will total 344 MW plus an extra 50 MW from Greenalia’s Biomass Plant already in operation. In total 394 MW all part of the close to 4 GW Pipeline that the company has in different development stages in four different technologies (offshore floating wind, onshore wind, solar photovoltaic and biomass). Greenalia’s portfolio is one of the most diversified portfolios where floating offshore wind holds a strategic place and its called to be one of the most promising technologies of the future globally.
Greenalia ratifies in this fashion its decisive drive for renewable energy as a source of green growth and development and is positioned as a key player in the decarbonization process in Spain and Europe.
Total investment and Green Job Generation
For Greenalia developing and building these onshore wind MW in Galicia constitutes and important step in generating opportunities for the component industries in the area and to anchor industrial jobs. Specifically, the 270 MW will total 270 million euros investment in the coming years and the mobilization of around 2.700 jobs in relation to construction phases of the different wind farms.

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