Back 14/04/2023 Wind

Greenalia obtains authorization to build a new 27 mw wind farm in Spain, O Cerqueiral

  • The installation, with 6 wind turbines, will be in the municipalities of Coristanco, Cabana de Bergantiños and Santa Comba (A Coruña)

Greenalia has obtained the administrative authorization for the construction of a new 27 MW wind farm in the Iberian Peninsula. Composed of 6 wind turbines, it will be in the municipalities of Cabana de Bergantiños, Coristanco and Santa Comba (A Coruña, Galicia) and will have an execution budget over than 19.5 million euros.

O Cerqueiral wind farm will have 6 wind turbines with a hub height of 111 meters and a rotor diameter of 136 meters. An annual production of 88,758 MWh/year is estimated, which will avoid the emission of 32,840 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.

The resolution also includes the agreement reached by different promoters for the processing, construction, and operation of the necessary infrastructures for the connection to the electricity transmission grid at the Mesón do Vento 220 kV substation, thus reducing possible new impacts from the evacuation lines derived from other projects.

As stated in the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) of this wind farm, issued in November 2022, it is located outside protected areas, as well as priority areas for birdlife. In terms of nature conservation, during the previous field work, no specimens of any protected species were found, as verified by the report of the DX of Natural Heritage.

With respect to the measures implemented for bats and birds, the different measures established in the EIS are incorporated, such as the implementation of technologies to reduce the impact of collisions and the painting of one of the blades of each wind turbine, among others of a technical nature. An environmental monitoring plan will also be implemented to confirm the effectiveness of these measures.

Finally, given that there are areas included in the Galician Wolf Management Plan, a monitoring program has been incorporated into the project during the first year of the wind farm’s life, which will include the presence of this species, its habits, number of pups, among other aspects, to have a better knowledge of its presence in the area.


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