Back 22/03/2022 News

Greenalia reinforces its ESG strategy and launches new internal rules in line with 2030 SDGs

  • Greenalia’s commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the energy transition is ratified with the implementation of new digital governance and business intelligence tools, including the creation of a strategic dashboard aligned with the company’s Sustainability Plan.
  • Within Governance, the publication of the Ethical Charter for Suppliers should be highlighted together with the advances in the Corporate Compliance Program with the elaboration of the Compliance Risk Map

The renewable energy producer Greenalia continues to implement new SDG-aligned measures in show of its strong commitment. It does so through its ESG Strategy, an area in which the Green Book on Corporate Policies, the Corporate Code of Conduct and Good Corporate Practices has been approved, a framework to which the Ethical Charter for Supplier Companies has recently been incorporated. Being the Code of Conduct the key piece of its Regulatory Compliance Program, accepted by each person who becomes part of the organization, it establishes the basic principles and commitments expected and demanded of the companies that make the Organization.

Within this framework, the company continues to work and update its rules and policies. This was reflected in the last Board of Directors where the following regulations were approved: (i) the Tax and Good Fiscal Practices regulations; (ii) the Data Collection, Treatment and Protection regulations; (iii) and the Functions and Obligations in information security for personnel regulations.  To ensure compliance, Greenalia’s Regulatory Compliance Committee, oversees this area and is the body in charge of preventing, detecting, mitigating and correcting business behaviors that could deviate from ethics and legality.

In this line and in order to inform its supply chain about the guidelines of behavior that must preside over the relations with Greenalia, the company has approved and shared the Ethical Charter for Supplier Companies, which has been elaborated from said Code of Conduct.

Currently, the renewable energy company is drafting new internal regulations and defining its risk map. These new instruments will allow it to be better prepared for possible business adverse situations.  In this way, the company secures for itself a higher level of stability and protection. 

Also at the level of environmental protection there have been important advances in recent months, an area in which Greenalia has joined the Science-Based Targets (SBTi) initiative, an independent organization in charge of ratifying, with measurable and real indicators based on science, the reduction of emissions undertaken by the Company. This adhesion will allow to accredit the fulfillment of milestones by the company within its strategy to reduce emissions in this decade.

In this area, Greenalia, one of the 7 Spanish SMEs adhering to this initiative, is committed to reducing its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25% by 2030. This represents a new step in the sustainable roadmap that is transversal to the entire company.

All these are milestones are framed in the Sustainability Plan, the roadmap with which the company wants to continue strengthening its sustainable DNA by implementing actions in the three ESG areas (Environment, Social, Governance). This has been made public in the 2021 Annual Report:

An edition that presents two novelties: the integration for the first time of the financial and non-financial report in the same document, a faithful reflection of the importance and reinforcement that is being given from the company to sustainability, and the development of an interactive version of the report.

It is a more intuitive edition that facilitates communication with our stakeholders, through which we reflect the information collected throughout the year and which is displayed within the sustainability dashboard. A control system that has been automated, streamlining the reporting issues within the organization and that helps decision-making in ESG matters and the monitoring of the Sustainability Plan (ESG) from management.

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