Back 10/05/2023 Wind

Greenalia’s new 10.4 MW Rodicio II wind farm development in Spain is approved

  • It will be in the municipalities of Maceda and Montederramo (Ourense) and has an execution budget of 8 million euros.

 It will be located in the municipalities of Maceda and Montederramo (Ourense) and has an execution budget of 8 million euros.

Greenalia has obtained the administrative authorization for the construction of a new wind farm in Galicia. With an installed capacity of 10.4 MW, it will be in the municipalities of Maceda and Montederramo (Ourense). With an execution budget of 8 million euros, the construction phase is expected to take around 6 months.

Two wind turbines of 5.2 MW of nominal unitary power, a hub height of 107.5 meters and a rotor diameter of 145 meters will be installed, whose annual production is estimated to reach 28,000 MWh. This figure will prevent the emission of 10,600 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

As reflected in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), corrective improvements have been introduced after the environmental process to improve landscape and environmental integration. In this sense, the number of wind turbines initially planned has been reduced from 3 to 2 machines, providing them with greater unitary power.

For the prevention and conservation of avifauna, among other measures, the incorporation of the DtBird has been established, a device that will avoid affecting birds.

In relation to the wolf, an existing species in the area, a monitoring plan will be carried out on the wolf population, its spaces and breeding areas in case it is necessary to introduce new actions for its preservation.

For all these reasons, Rodicio II is compatible with the environment.

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